Plain Knitted Woolen Fabric  


Knitting Woolen Goods

Plain Knitted Woolen Fabric

In the 1940s, the quality of fake furs was vastly improved by advances in textile manufacture technology. However, the true modern fake furs were not developed until the mid 1950s, with the introduction of acrylic polymers as replacements for alpaca hair. These polymers were particularly important because they could provide the bulk required to imitate real fur without the weight associated with other fake fur fabrics. They were also easier to color and texture than alpaca fibers. Later in the decade, polymer producers found that acrylic polymers could be made even more fur-like and fire resistant by mixing them with other polymers. These new fabrics, called modacrylics, are now the primary polymer used in fake fur manufacture.  The products is plain knitted woolen fabric,it belongs to knitting woolen goods,it's wholesale,the color is plain,the hair has a bouncing ball texture. it's comp…